Victoria Streetsmart Handbook

Victoria Streetsmart Handbook

“Healthy Mind, Healthy Body” Edition

In this edition:

  • Tips for a healthy headspace
  • Bullying
  • Problems with mental health
  • Eating right
  • Let’s get moving
  • Sleeping well
Special Feature Article

Body Positivity vs Fitness Culture

Should we focus on promoting acceptance

of all body types, or is it more important to

prioritise fitness and physical health even

if it involves pushing body standards

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VIC Streetsmart Handbook Cover
VIC Streetsmart Handbook Cover

About Streetsmart Handbooks Victoria

The Victoria Streetsmart Handbook is an essential guide for health, wellbeing and living skills. It offers resources that are essential for every teen and their transition into adulthood.

Our handbooks are distributed to secondary schools and youth centers across Victoria.

Victoria PCYC logo

VIC Proud Partner

The Victoria Streetsmart is proudly endorsed by our Victorian partner, Police and Citizen’s Youth Club (PCYC).

Proud Patron

Lesa Gale APM

AFP Deputy Commissioner International and Specialist Capabilities
Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE)

Victoria Proud Patron

Liana Buchanan

Principal Commissioner for Children & Young People VIC


Testimonials from our Victorian subscribers!


The Street Smarthandbook is a practical life guide for school-leavers that is designed to help prepare today's youth for life after school.

The handbook covers important topics from sexual health and the effects of drug and alcohol abuse to legal rights and applying for a loan. It offers information specific to the school leaver.


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GPO Box 2466
Melbourne, VIC 3001

Reach out to us
ABN: 83 146 901 797


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