About Us

Who we are.
Research has shown that one of the most difficult transitions young people make is that from Secondary School to the workforce.
The Streetsmart Handbook is a practical life guide designed to help prepare today’s youth for life after school. Since 2002, our handbooks have supported secondary schools, youth organisations and teenagers
across Australia and New Zealand.
Our Impact
4 Million +
copies distributed
across Australia
1700 + Subs
Schools, teachers
youth organisations
20 Years +
distributing handbooks
to youth across Australia
Our Local Partners

Neighbourhood Watch
Australasia (NHWA)
Neighbourhood Watch Australasia & Streetsmart Handbooks
The Streetsmart Handbooks’ aim is to assist teenagers and their families and caregivers, by providing contemporary information on a wide range of subjects. This includes information sourced from advice from experts, covering subjects such as cyber bullying, mental health, body positivity, healthy living, the dangers of drugs and alcohol, and much more!

Working Together
NHWA actively works in partnership to create safe, interconnected, and inclusive communities, where people are able to feel empowered, informed and engaged with one another, and with their local police and other community authorities.
The Streetsmart Handbook is a continuation of NHWA’s active participation in ensuring safe communities for all.

Police and Citizen’s
Youth Club (PCYC)
PCYC & VIC Streetsmart Handbook
Since 2003, Streetsmart Handbooks Victoria have been in association with
PCYC, providing valuable resources to the youth across Victoria.
Streetsmart Handbooks VIC are proud to be working alongside PCYC to
continue providing value to the teens across the Victoria region.

Working Together
The Victorian Police have been actively engaged with the Victorian youth. They provide widespread initiatives to improve the development of the local communities and youth.

Our Proud Publishers

Countrywide Austral (CWA) have been proud publishers of the Streetsmart Handbooks since 2002. They have helped us craft and distribute over four million copies to readers across Australia and New Zealand!

Working Together
They work closely with emergency service
associations to distribute valued information to its members and to help bring communities closer together.
Proud Patrons

Our History
Streetsmart Handbooks concept was conceived.
Australian Federal Police Association jumped on board and started supporting the Streetsmart Handbooks.
The Street Smarthandbook is a practical life guide for school-leavers that is designed to help prepare today's youth for life after school.
The handbook covers important topics from sexual health and the effects of drug and alcohol abuse to legal rights and applying for a loan. It offers information specific to the school leaver.
Write to us
GPO Box 2466
Melbourne, VIC 3001
Reach out to us
E: info@smarthandbooks.com.au
ABN: 83 146 901 797
Contact Countrywide Austral for advertising opportunities and start supporting the youth in your community!
Enquire at CWAustral
P: +61 3 9937 0200
E: feedback@cwa.carmacloud.com