Kidsmart Handbook
Emmanuel Anglican College
Thank you very much for the Kidsmart Handbooks that were kindly supplied to our school - Emmanuel Anglican College. As a stage three teacher I found them extremely useful as an introduction to many Personal Development and Health lessons. My students took them home and read all about puberty before coming to school the following day with a list of questions. It is a fantastic resource and I regulary find my students reading them as a group in the playground, or having a sneak read during class. They have been extremely beneficial to me as a teacher and I (and other Stage Three teachers) look forward to receiving them from you in future years.
Wattle Glen Primary
This is a great booklet. Thank you for providing these for the children. It helps those who want to know things about teenage years and are comfortable discussing it.
The Patch Primary
Children are excited about this book and are sharing it with their friends and parents.
(I used it as a follow up to a Police visit - guest speaker). Thank you!! Well done.
Wembley Primary
These books have become a great resource for topics such as Drug Education and Sex Education. It is written in a way that is easy for children to understand.
Berowra Public School
The information given is detailed and relevant. An excellent booklet for parents to read with their children.
Panton Hill Primary
This is the first time I've seen this book and I think it is excellent, a great idea. The students loved them.
Tamworth West Public School
It was nice to find out stuff I didn't know. It was really helpful. I can tell it is going to help me in my life.
I think that it is a very interesting book and different from other books. It is also very fun and easy to read but by reading it I have learnt alot of new stuff that I didn't know. It is a brilliant book.
It is a great book, it teaches kids about growing up and the environment we live in. It is very educational and teaches kids like me some rights and some wrongs. I give it a 9 3/4 out of 10 and 2 thumbs up.
I really liked the book. As I was reading some of the facts, lots of them reminded me of me. There are some things in it that people really need to know eg what people do to other people, how things effect people, or how feelings can be hurt and what causes it. Some questions that I have been asking myself for a long time have been answered, that which I was very pleased about. The Kidsmart book has helped me understand more about me and things that happen around me.
Thank You.
Our Lady Of mercy College Parramatta
The Kidsmart Handbook (an initiative of the NSW Blue Light) appears to be an informative and effective teaching tool for use in our Year 7 Pastoral Care Program. Our Program aims to foster good quality relationships and establish a guide to solving problems facing the young adolescents of today.
Our Year 7 students want to know the facts so they can make decisions about specific behaviours and the handbook provides them with information that is accessible and enjoyable.
Thank you the Blue Light for taking the initiativeto produce a handbook of such high calibre.