
Streetsmart Handbook

Highlands School

All those involved in the production of this resource should be commended. Highlands School is a "behaviour school" and so any bridges that can be built between Police and our students are extremely valuable.

Ulladulla High

Could you please send us another box of books as 20 - 30 students missed out. Thank you.

Illawarra Sports High

Thank you for the booklet. It has certainly sparked some discussion amongst our Yr 11 and 12 students. Has also provided factual information that they probably thought they knew but didn't really.

Springwood High

I've shown the publication to our Principal, who thinks it's fantastic. Very user friendly - clear, concise and easy to read.

Maryborough Regional College

Very well written. Appropriate topics, approached in a frank informative manner and written in an appealing way. I distributed the book to our Yr 12s, many of whom are preparing to leave town to work or study in the city or neighbouring centres.

Moss Vale High

A superb publication. We will subscribe to this publication annually (140 copies) as long as it is available.