Our Children. Our Future

Streetsmart Handbook

The Street Smarthandbook is a practical life guide for 16 and 17 year old school leavers that is designed to help prepare today's youth for life after school.

The handbook covers important topics from sexual health and the effects of drug and alcohol abuse to legal rights and applying for a loan. It offers information specific to the school leaver, providing invaluable assistance for those who are considering buying their first car or living away from home.

The handbook is also a handy guide for teens that are pondering their future career choices and supplies them with advice on apprenticeships, university and TAFE. It provides teens with straight forward, factual information about issues that they will face.

The information contained in the Street Smarthandbook is written by a collection of topical experts, such as the australian drug Foundation, Beyond Blue and Quit, who are working together to address the information needs of teens. Content in the Smarthandbook is also localised to reflect the unique laws of each State and Territory in Australia. The Street Smarthandbook is made available to students on behalf of AUSPOL - Police Welfare Foundation.

Priority advertising space is made available throughout the Smarthandbook for organisations who wish to be associated with specific chapter topics and reach a captive audience.