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Apprenticeships & traineeships
Where can I find help during my apprenticeships?
If you need information on who provides the training, tips and ideas to support you during your training and services that offer you advice on dealing with complaints and grievances go to: http://www.otte.vic.gov.au/apt.asp
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Where can I find help during my apprenticeships?
If you need information on who provides the training, tips and ideas to support you during your training and services that offer you advice on dealing with complaints and grievances go to: http://www.otte.vic.gov.au/apt.asp -
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Where can I find out more?
You can obtain useful information from your nearest Australian Apprenticeship Centre (AAC). They should provide one-stop shops for those seeking to employ apprenticeships or traineeships as a career path. You can locate an AAC at: www.australianapprenticeships.gov.au/search/aacsearch.asp or contact the Australian Apprenticeships Referral line on 13 38 73 -
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Further information on wages and conditions is available by calling Workchoices infoline on 1300 363 264 or online at the wagenet website http://www.wagenet.gov.au/wagenet/
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I can do my traineeship at school
The School Based Apprenticeships & Traineeships program (formely called School Based New Apprenticeships) for secondary school students is open to students 15 years of age or over who are permanent residents of Australia. -
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I can't find an apprenticeship.
Finding an apprenticeships or traineeship is the same as looking for any job.
If you are finding it difficult to find an employer who will offer you an apprenticeship or traineeship GTA(Vic) can direct you to the apprenticeship Group Training Organisation.