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Cars and the law

  • Cars and the law

  • I'm a good driver. I never drive recklessly!
    The penalties for culpable driving depend on the seriousness of the offence. They can be very severe and often involve imprisonment.

  • A drink or two won't hurt...
    If you are on your L plates or P plates, the zero blood alcohol limit applies - in other words, you must have no alcohol at all in your blood while you are driving.

  • What else can I be charged with?
    You can be charged with driving under the influence in addition to other drink-driving offences, such as driving when you're over the limit.

  • If there is debris strewn all over the road, do you leave it?
    No, remove anything that might be a hazard to others.

  • What details have to be given after a crash?
    Your name and address, registration number of your vehicle and name and number of the vehicle owner (if it is not your own vehicle).